
Where we live
Selected winter 2001 pictures
California March 2001
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We have more pictures than we know what to do with! Every so often, we get into a mood to watch slides or clean out older trays... And sometimes we’re inspired to scan a few images for this part of our site. In most cases, the thumbnail images are linked to larger versions and the download size is shown in parentheses.

When I get a chance, I try to put up a page with a recent month's images as a sort of visual diary...

Where we live

Our place from the west fields (77K)

July 2000: Our house from our west fields, with the Eardley Escarpment stretching east towards Ottawa. Even though the wet summer allowed only one cut, the fields yielded 95 large bales of hay — as much as two cuts in some years.

Okay kids, tails up! (94K)

July 2000: A doe and her twin fawns dash across our east meadow. They'd been grazing near fresh-cut bales of hay and we were able to get a sequence of them running.

With Gatineau Park in the back, we see deer all the time — in fact, they become a bit of a nuisance if they take a liking to apples or flowers.

Care to dance? (63K)

January 2000: Chico and Tigger sparring on the ice on our pond. At the time, it was 2' thick.



Marsh marigolds (83K)

Explosion of peonies (108K)

Iris, phlox & lupins (133K)

Profusion of lilies (143K)

Marsh marigolds are amongst the first flowers of spring in the creek feeding our pond. The spread by bits breaking off and anchoring downstream.

The peonies are also early bloomers — and they do it with such vigour! Katharine is tending to the soon-to-bloom lilies.

Then the colours really begin: iris, lupins and phlox, with their almost day-glow mauves.

The next wave is the lilies — and all the tending seems to work wonders! But those tiger lilies still seem a bit thick...

Mackintosh rose (49K)

July 1999: It was hard to pick this beauty and its bud. The variety name comes from the stylized roses so common in Charles Rennie Mackintosh designs.

We have quite a few wild orchids growing in the forested area in the back of the property. This links to a page with more details about them.




K weeding Mom F perennials bed
Weeding (104K)

May 20, 2001: In the tradition of keeping perennials, when Eric’s parents moved to Victoria in late 1999, a selection of Mom's perennials moved too – from their Kinburn home to our place. It was November so we "healed" them in to a bed in our vegetable garden, hoping they would survive. Well, they've done very well...

The Delphinium at Katharine's left is the biggest and most vigorous on our property. The Mahonia in the foreground is struggling but this year's new growth gives us hope it will pull through. The Coral Bells, lavender and Forget-me-nots are flourishing and will probably be split this autumn to settle in in other locations.


Top    This page was last updated on 06 December 2001